
Home/Olga Miller

About Olga Miller

Olga Miller is an astrologer from Marietta, Georgia, who is now residing in the upper Midwest. She grew up around astrology and has always been fascinated with it. Her interest of the subject peaked even further 14 years ago when she had her own natal chart read. From that point on Olga began reading various books on the topic to further her understanding. In 2018 she took her first formal class from the renown international astrologer Kelly Surtees, who was visiting Olga’s new hometown. This first class was followed by numerous other classes with the Astrology University and attendance of various lectures and conferences with top professionals in the field. Olga loves how our personalities, talents and life events can be explained by the planetary placements and transits. Astrology helps us to be prepared for advantageous and stormy times in our lives and thrive and mature through these as they come. Astrology is Olga’s passion and an integrative part of her daily life. She loves to provide guidance to others and share her knowledge with her family, friends and community.

Astrological Insights – July 2024

2024-06-30T14:23:18+00:00June 30th, 2024|

As I was looking through some natal charts last week, which included a few challenging aspects and planetary placements, a question came to mind, “Should we be afraid of our astrological charts?” As a teaching assistant a few years ago, I remember new students were terrified of what they would find in their own charts.  This was especially true as they began to study the character of each planet (and “enhanced” their study materials with Internet searches from questionable resources).  I [...]

Astrological Insights – June 2024

2024-05-29T11:57:53+00:00May 29th, 2024|

After the roller coasters of April and May, June should be a relatively stable month.  It still will be busy but not with the extremes of eclipses or Uranus/Jupiter conjunction that we experienced in the past few weeks.  Mars will be moving from Aries (where it is strong as it rules the sign) into fixed and steady sign of Taurus.  While Mars will move along topics of this area of our life forward (depending where you have Taurus in your chart), [...]

Astrological Insights – May 2024

2024-04-26T12:56:28+00:00April 26th, 2024|

April turned out to be a bit of a roller coaster month.  I felt like one thing was following another without much breathing room.  While I understand the astrological energetic exchanges that the planets bring us, it still often catches me by surprise.  Knowing what is coming up does not always equate to living through it. 😊 As I am writing this blog, I am somewhat relieved that today is the day when Jupiter stationed to go direct, April 25th.  It [...]

Astrological Insights – April 2024

2024-03-28T18:24:36+00:00March 28th, 2024|

April 2024 will be an interesting month, speaking astrologically.  So, get your cosmic umbrellas ready!  The month starts with Mercury starting its retrograde on April 1 in the sign of Aries.  Mercury usually spends approximately three weeks in retrograde and it will go direct on April 25th.  What is retrograde?  Many of us dread it, yet it happens a few times a year with different planets.  Some astrologers describe retrograde as planet “going backwards”.  Not really.  Mercury does not actually go [...]

Astrological Insights – March 2024

2024-03-01T00:39:24+00:00February 28th, 2024|

Have you felt any subtle shifts lately in any area of your life in the past few weeks?  Or did you get a feeling that an area of your life has to change in some significant way.  This area (or one of the 12 houses in your natal chart) could be your relationship to yourself, your money, your siblings or neighbors, your parents or home, your kids or creativity, your daily health routine and diet, your relationship with your spouse [...]

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