After the roller coasters of April and May, June should be a relatively stable month.  It still will be busy but not with the extremes of eclipses or Uranus/Jupiter conjunction that we experienced in the past few weeks.  Mars will be moving from Aries (where it is strong as it rules the sign) into fixed and steady sign of Taurus.  While Mars will move along topics of this area of our life forward (depending where you have Taurus in your chart), the progress maybe a little slower than desired and bring a few delays and frustrations.  So, patience is a key here.  All will be done when it should.

What stands out to me currently is the continuous transit of planet Saturn through the sign of Pisces.  Perhaps, this is a bit of old news as Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023.  However, it is a rather slow transit and takes about 2.5 years to complete. At this point we are in the heart of it.

Why talk about Saturn now?  I think it is because Saturn transits (like Pluto) are feared by many.  They could be especially difficult for us in our late 20s when we begin to experience our first Saturn return.  This is the time when many of us have to grow up and face the realities of adulthood (getting married, having kids, buying our first house, saying good bye to being irresponsible or breaking relationships with friends that pull us down rather than help us grow).  Saturn is known as a stern teacher, a task master, it makes us work hard.  It is also restrictive, traditional, discerning, disciplined, realistic, and grounded. When I think of Saturn, an image of a village elder comes to mind who provides folks with a sound and practical advice.  So, should we be nervous about the topics of the house in our charts where Saturn transits?  Absolutely not! 😊

Any planet in our chart has positive and negative manifestations.  Let’s look at Jupiter, for example.  There is a big talk about it through the astrological community being a lucky planet, planet of optimism, expansion, possibilities, good times, amongst other things.  Sure, it is.  However, it could also manifest as too much of a good thing.  Or it could expand small problems into large issues.  It could cause us drift apart with our friends, if we tend to brag too much.  It may cause us to overeat, drink too much, overspend (think right before Christmas Jupiter season).  You get the point. Most recently for me,  Jupiter (expansion)/ Uranus (electrical) conjunction in Taurus (property) manifested as a basement flood due to a failed motor on a water pump. Now we are undergoing renovation of the entire basement.  Not fun. So, small issue was exponentially increased.

When I think of Jupiter, a story from my past comes to mind about a family friend.  Many years ago, he was getting ready to celebrate his 50th birthday.  Big event.  There were about 30 people invited and food and drink were flowing.  One of the menu items, that I still remember to this day, was the Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes (yes, the same ones where one serving takes over the entire plate).  This friend ordered about 20 of them.  Needless to say, there was too much of a good thing and a complete overabundance with a typical Jupiterian excess and flair.  No one could eat cheesecakes for a year afterwards. 😊

So, what prevents us many times from getting an overabundance of cheesecakes?  It is common sense and wisdom of Saturn. Saturn is helping us to have a practical point of view on things and build strong, time-withstanding foundations in our lives. Without Saturn, we could not function in the mornings, go to work, take care of our family, accomplish daily mundane but necessary tasks (paying bills), take care of ourselves, or go to the various appointments.  Saturn helps us to stay organized and disciplined (as in practicing playing piano daily to gain proficiency).  We may feel discouraged by the setbacks and delays that Saturn could bring along the way, but it makes us to work harder so we could learn and create strong foundations.  What we complete under transits of Saturn tends to be long-term. Think of your school exams needed to complete a degree to get a job or practicing basic yoga poses so you could condition your body for more advanced ones.  Under Saturn’s transit of the 7th house of committed relationships a person could get married; or get a promotion into a leadership role if Saturn is transiting their 10th house.

While Saturn is cold and dry by nature, Pisces is cold and wet.  Think fish and ocean symbolizing by the sign.  Prices are about transcendence, spirituality, charitable acts, healing, amongst other things.  This sign is associated with oceans, spiritual institutions, monasteries, and other seclusions. Merging the qualities of Saturn and Pisces, on a collective level, Saturn’s transit through the sign could manifest as stricter rules around oceans and water in general, more stringent protection of fish and ocean life, re-evaluation of the religious institutions, addressing opioid and other drug issues through stricter laws and penalties.  While this may not happen immediately while Saturn is in Pisces, the foundations for these changes could be happening as I write this blog post.

So, where do you have Pisces in your chart?  Where are you learning to be more disciplined and put in hard work so to gain gifts of Saturn once it departs this area of your life?  Here is a brief reminder of the houses:  1st (Ascendant, self, appearance, vitality), 2nd (earned income), 3rd (siblings, neighbors, short distance travel, communication), 4th (parents and ancestors, real estate), 5th (children, creativity, fun activities, dating, sports), 6th (health, daily chores, pets, work, subordinates), 7th (spouse, committed relationships, contracts), 8th (investments, shared income, taxes), 9th (long distance travel, higher education, law), 10th (career), 11th (organizations and friends), 12th (house of seclusion, hospitals, working behind the closed door).



June 2024 Transits

June should be a bit slower than April and May.  It is a relief as many of us are ready for some stability in our daily lives, especially if the prior two months proved to be a roller-coaster time for you.  Transits described below may feel more impactful if you have personal planets at the listed degrees (plus or minus a couple of degrees) in your natal chart.  You can obtain a free copy of your natal chart from

June 1-6: Jupiter trines Pluto (2 degrees Gemini and Aquarius) –For these few days you may have a strong desire to improve your life and conditions around you.  This is a transformative transit.  Pluto’s ability to see deeply into what is hidden  and transform work well with Jupiterian optimism and ability to see the big picture.  This transit could also coincide with some professional success, coming to your own power (even in case of small mundane everyday issues) or potentially coming into some money, depending on where you have Gemini and Aquarius in your chart.

June 1-7: Sun conjunct Venus (10-17 degrees Gemini)A few good days to express yourself creatively and through connections to your friends and values. Great time to socialize, have a party, visit some galleries or food festivals. This is also a good transit for financial activities or updating your image as well.  You may want to update your look and go shopping for some new flattering outfits. Just be mindful of not overindulging or overspending.

June 3: Mercury sextile Neptune (29 degrees Taurus and Pisces)This is a great transit for creative ideas and imagination.  We also tend to be more sensitive to our environment.  Take a few daydreaming breaks during this time (it is healthy).  It would be hard to focus during this transit on anything that is precise and practical.  You may find yourself fascinated with spiritual and mystical topics.  Write down ideas you generate on this day to be reviewed later for practicality.

June 4: Mercury conjunct Jupiter (2 degrees Gemini) -This is a good transit to have a broader view of an existing issue or a topic that fascinates you. Overall, this transit brings in some enthusiasm and optimism to your approach to life.  This is a good day to do some business transactions as you can see the most advantageous approach.

Mercury trine Pluto (1 degree Gemini and Aquarius) – This transit could be good for getting to the heart of the matter and unearthing the real root cause of a problem.  Mercurial thinking works well on this day with Plutonian need to investigate.  You may find yourself fascinated with a mystery or a horror novel.  You may also meet someone on this day who may have a deep and profound effect on you.

June 7-8: Venus square Saturn (18 degrees Gemini and Pisces)During this transit, you may feel more reserved than usual towards others.  You may want to re-examine your values and friends and think of what is important to you.  This is not a good day to have financial dealings as they may result in a loss.  Saturn may also make us feel isolated and unloved and dissatisfied with our relationships or possessions.  However, this is only temporary. There are better days ahead!

June 8-10:  Sun square Saturn (18 degrees Gemini and Pisces) -These few days may be difficult.  You may come across some issues that are challenging but need to be taken care of, nonetheless.  Focus on mundane chores, organizational and repetitive tasks for these couple of days.  Saturn tends to put a pessimistic outlook and our overall energy low.  Relationships with elderly or authority are not the best at this time. So, work on patience and self-discipline during this transit.

June 10-12: Mars square Pluto (1 degree Taurus and Aquarius) – This could be a transit that brings in a creative transformation into your life.  However, this could be a result of some power struggles and disagreements. Mars tends to accentuate our ego, make us hot-headed and irrational in our dealings with others, especially when it is a part of a challenging aspect.  Key to this transit is not to focus on the need for an immediate confrontation or fight, but on a common goal of transforming a situation into something that is more authentic and long lived.

June 12: Mercury square Saturn (19 degrees Gemini and Pisces)– This is a good day for tasks requiring discipline, perseverance, and mental work.  It could be a more challenging day for communicating with others as you may come across as stern or your ideas may not be understood.  If you have a job interview scheduled, you may want to postpone it, if you can (especially if you are Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius or Capricorn rising or have these signs on your 6th or 10th house cusps). Saturn tends to make our outlook gloomy and makes us feel that his is the only truth.  It is not.  This is only a transit.

June 14: Sun conjunct Mercury (23 degrees Gemini) – This is a good day to have an opportunity to make your point, especially in the areas of life where you have Gemini and Virgo.  You may also be inclined to talk more than listen. This could be a good day to take care of routine paperwork, start a new business venture or simply make plans.

June 16-18: Mercury conjunct Venus (29 degrees Gemini) – This day could manifest as more appreciation of beauty, increased interest in music, art, poetry. This is also a great day to tell a friend or a loved one what they mean to you.  During this transit you may feel that your creative thinking is higher than usual.  You may also have generally favorable outcomes in the financial matters.

June 16-17: Venus square Neptune (29 degrees Gemini and Pisces)– This transit may feel like you have rose-colored glasses on when it concerns possessions or relationships. You may meet someone that you overidealize.  However, you may feel let down once transit is over. This is a great day, however, for dreaming and creative ideas, which could be home or garden re-decoration, art project, poetry, music or book.  Or, simply use your journal, if you have one, to write down your musings.  These may prove handy one day.

June 17: Mercury square Neptune (29 degrees Gemini and Pisces) – This is a day that could bring in some confusion, especially in the areas of communication and business dealings.  Treat this day as a mini- Mercury retrograde.  Double check what you are trying to communicate to the others.  Over-idealistic views on things may come up during this transit as well as tendency to overlook details and have important facts omitted.  This transit is temporary, so, have some patience.

June 20-21 Sun square Neptune (29 degrees Gemini and Pisces)– Your energy levels during this transit may be on a lower side.  Neptune’s influence on us may feel somewhat draining and anxiety provoking.  If you feel like you simply just don’t have enough stamina to handle the daily chores, simply be kind to yourself and find some time to rest.  Music could be uplifting during this transit and anything that is meditative or creative in nature.  Try not to be over idealistic during this period of time.  Motto during this transit is “Don’t do something today that could be done tomorrow!” 😊

June 21: Mercury sextile Mars (8 degrees Cancer and Taurus) – During this transit you may put a lot of effort working on a project that is interesting to you.  However, this is a great day to work on your own rather than as a team.  You may enjoy lively discussions or a debate on this day as this transit will show a milder side of Mars.

June 26: Mercury trine Saturn (19 degrees Cancer and Pisces) – This is a day for some sober thinking and addressing any important concerns requiring concentration and attention to details.  This is a great day for organizing your environment or studying.  You may feel that anything that lacks practicality is not important and may not want to concern yourself with any trivial matters.  This is a great day to accomplish any boring or mundane tasks that piled up.

June 27-30: Venus sextile Mars (13 degrees Cancer and Taurus) – These should be well-balanced few days, if you chose it to be, to have a connection between your ego and the others.  This transit could be great for a night out, interacting with energetic and lively people.  This could also be a transit to bring in some financial opportunities.  Creative activities or getting involved with an interesting project could also be great during this transit.

June 30: Mercury sextile Uranus (25 degrees Cancer and Taurus) – This could be an exciting and interesting day where you meet unique people, make fascinating discoveries and have some excitement.  Unlike Uranian conjunction to the planets or squares and oppositions, this transit is rather mild in nature.  You may also stumble across some new solutions to the old problems. Find a way not to have a routine today, if you can.  This could be great for your overall well-being! 😊