We are a yoga and healing studio with the intention of unlocking your potential of living a healthy, authentic and empowered life. Our approach is rooted in yoga’s ancient wisdom and philosophy, addressing each individual as a whole made up of mind, body and soul. Our mission is to provide our students with the direct experience of living fully and mindfully through the practice of yoga and the support of community.

Our hatha yoga classes are strongly alignment based so students learn how to move and hold their bodies for optimal strength, freedom and balance. We also emphasize the breath and health of the energetic body, along with mindfulness in movement and stillness, so that no part of you goes unexplored. We offer several different class styles, from dynamic flow to slow yin and strengthening core, allowing you to find a class that meets your needs. We love and invite both brand new students and experienced practitioners to use our space as a sanctuary for play, exploration and expansion.

The beauty of yoga becoming more & more widespread, is that there is a yoga studio out there to meet everyone’s needs. We often get questions about what type of yoga we do, so to clarify, here is what we are NOT:

  • We are NOT a hot yoga studio. Our classes are more tempered to the seasonal cycles. When it’s warm outside, we are going to be more warm inside. When it’s cold out, temperatures are cooler in the studio. During colder temps, we recommend an extra layer on top, shedding it as your body warms naturally.
  • We do NOT play loud music. We usually have light music in the background or no music at all. We encourage you to stay connected and present with your breath,your mind and your body.
  • We are NOT a “fast moving” studio. We do emphasize power and vinyasa, but more with form, depth and strength.
  • We are NOT big. There is no hiding and we do watch each of our students. We do give you space to just be, but we also watch carefully for misalignment’s and are not shy about offering corrections.

With that being said, this is who we SERVE the best:

  • Those who want to explore yoga, not just as physical development, but for mental and spiritual development as well.
  • Those who are open minded. We delve into the world of philosophy, magick, story telling and mysticism as a path to the Self and the heart. We are inclusive to ALL faiths and traditions. Our students and teachers are very diverse in faith, with a common thread of kindness and openness to all.
  • Those wanting to delve deeper within themselves and willing to do the physical & internal work of getting out of their own way. A lot of times, it’s HARD! Yoga practice will eventually bring up your “stuff.” We create a safe, non judgemental space to do your work.
  • Those who like to laugh, because this practice requires a sense of humor.
  • Those interested in learning how to do the postures well and how to advance through them. We are strongly alignment based and love to explore the medicine and energetics of the poses.
  • Those who recognize the importance of investing in themselves, as a way of taking responsibility for their well being. You are so worth it!
  • Those who just want to feel better. We cultivate confidence, strength, agility and well being from the inside out.

We offer more than just yoga here. We also offer Reiki and energetic clearing sessions as well as more intensive private, one on one work. We hold several workshops and courses, some specifically designed to support the intuitives, seekers, empaths and magick makers. We also have a small front store for your yoga, altar and ritual needs.

“Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough.”

– Ram Dass 

Studio Information

Since 2003, Sacred Garden Yoga is conveniently located in the heart of Historic Marietta just between the Square and Kennestone Hospital.

Even though we highly recommend you having your own mat, we offer free rentals on yoga mats, blocks, blankets and straps.

Avoid eating heavy meals at least 2 hours prior to class and wear comfortable clothing- nothing too baggy. You may want to bring a towel.

Also, as a courtesy to others, please avoid wearing synthetic perfumes and lotions to class as some are sensitive to the smells.

For parking, first see if you can park in our parking pad which can accommodate about 5 cars. Street parking is also OK, just make sure not to block any driveways.

We know Atlanta traffic can be a bear! But please arrive a few minutes early to give yourself time to set up so we can start class on time.

Thank you for your continued support!


“I feel very grateful to have found Sacred Garden Yoga in August 2021. At first I wasn’t looking for a Yoga class but for classes on Spirituality. Cindy had mentioned that Yoga was actually developed for that reason by the ancient Yogis in India, so I signed up! At first, the yoga classes were very challenging especially since I had never practiced Yoga before. But by staying with it, over time I was amazed at what I was able to start doing, not only physically but spiritually.

Cindy has excellent spirituality and healing classes as well. The classes I have taken so far have excelled my spiritual growth and abilities, far beyond what I would have been able to achieve without SGY. I thank the Universe almost every day for SGY having become a part of my life, as well as the beautiful community of people that are there.”

James, Student

“I discovered Sacred Garden Yoga in 2018 when I was searching for a YTT course. I had just started to tap into my power and desires. At this point my yoga practice was mostly asana classes at home with an online service, occasionally attending a class at a gym or studio. I had no idea I was missing out on the experience of a home studio. Now for almost 6 years, this space has become a Sacred part of my personal development and spiritual journey. I’ve taken a different course here every year since.

At SGY I feel at home, welcomed, celebrated, challenged, and supported. I feel comfortable asking questions, and I ask a lot. All the faces are friendly, and I look forward to seeing them each week. Many of my classmates are much older and I’m almost 40. They inspire me to take care of my vessel and I’ve never loved my body more. Not in my 20’s, not at my thinnest. The self-love continues to grow and impact all areas of my life since that first class. I invite all my friends to class like it’s a cure-all and have so many wonderful things to say about my teachers. Each with a different style and gifts.

When we moved a few years ago, my realtor used a reasonable radius to the studio to search for our new home. I’m not joking, it was the one place I needed accessible. So yeah, I love my home studio. I love my teachers, and I bet they feel it. I have an amazing community and a grateful heart. Thank you, Cindy, team, and Community members.”

Crystal, Teacher

“I feel extremely lucky that I found Sacred Garden Yoga Studio!! My 2 year anniversary since I started yoga is coming up in this June. I should say that yoga saved my life. After I had a traumatic experience, my whole body shut down, my body became stiff like a wood and so weak. My whole body gave me the constant pain. It was so amazing to me that the human body could change totally in such a short period of time.

I was dying to find a yoga studio to improve my health at that time. Sacred Garden Yoga Studio was the studio exactly I had been looking for. The energy of the building and surroundings, and the instructors, everything was perfect for me. The practitionars are all kind and warm hearted with beautiful energies. I started to practice yoga every day as a beginner. All the classes were quite challenging for me but I have kept showing up because I was inspired by just being there. The whole package at the studio is so nurturing to my soul, my spirit, my mind and my body. As of today my, body has improved so much!! I learned a lot from yoga. And I have been able to grow spiritually and mentally.

Yoga is my life and the studio is a part of my life. I truly appreciate that Sacred Garden Yoga Studio is always available for me to be there!”

Kiki, Student

When we moved down here in 2014 we were looking for a new Yoga Studio. I started searching on the internet and after reading some reviews about Cindy and Sacred Garden Yoga I thought it would be a good fit for Janice and me. I’m so glad that we decided to give SGY a try. Cindy is the best yoga teacher we’ve ever had. All the other teachers at SGY are amazing too. They’re all so dedicated and strive to give the best possible experience for your mind, body and spirit. At a physical level, our bodies have gotten so much stronger, more flexible, energized and can push ourselves further to the edge with moves we never thought possible for our age. We’re so lucky to be a part of the SGY community, it feels like a family get together with every class.

Our yoga practice has deepened thanks to the teachers we’ve learned from along the way. They’ve created a community that embodies what we feel is at the heart of any yoga practice. We are so lucky to be a part of the SGY community, it feels like a family get together with every class!

Janice & Anthony Lucente, Students

I am so grateful I discovered this magickal space back in 2005. From the moment I stepped inside, I knew it was special. It had such a familiar energy and I felt an inner knowing that I was supposed to be there. I have been to many yoga studios since I began my practice in 1999, and no other studio has compared to Sacred Garden. Each teacher has such a beautiful and unique gift of teaching. No matter which class I go to, I always leave feeling lighter with more clarity, connection, and an open heart. I have experienced incredible healing and transformation through the yoga classes, reiki sessions, courses, and ceremonies offered at Sacred Garden. I have so much love and appreciation for this studio, the teachers, and the community!

Lisa, Student

Sacred Garden Yoga has an intimate feel with classes for all ages and skill levels. The studio is small in size but large in experience. Taking classes there has helped me with strength, balance and agility, … skills we can all benefit from. There are many teaching styles and class times to choose from. I highly recommend Sacred Garden Yoga.

Denise, Student

I have been coming to Sacred Garden for a few years now. Sacred Garden meets you where you are and will lead you back to yourself. The combination of the physical space, the teachers, and the other students is the perfect alchemical mix for transformation. Throughout the years, I have shown up for class burdened with many issues ranging from physical to emotional to spiritual. It is on my mat and under the guidance of these exceptional teachers that I continue to develop and refine skills that serve me well on a daily basis.

Yoga is dynamic and the classes at Sacred Garden are the perfect platform for the Divine to reveal concepts that seem so simple but deeply profound. I have heard many of those phrases used by the teachers during yoga class. I want to close with one that comes closest to describing yoga as experienced through Sacred Garden: “Do your practice and all is coming.” -Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Thank you Cindy for your vision and for creating this extraordinary space where regular people can experience the miraculous.

Lori, Student

I’ve been coming to Sacred Garden Yoga for over a year. I came to yoga searching for relief for pain in my neck and knee, also for physical strength. What I discovered in addition to getting help for these things was inner strength, peace and joy. As time passes, I grow stronger and leave every class with serenity at Sacred Garden Yoga.

Cindy has given us all a place to become the best human being we wish to be. No one judges you and every class is a new adventure and I am always looking forward to the next adventure. Thank you Sacred Garden for making a beautiful and positive change in my life!


Nita, Student

Great place to practice from beginners to advance. Welcoming and full of love and light. I easily felt at home here.

Amber, Student